New beds for Western Care Lodge

by | Feb 12, 2022

International highly contested funding, along with regional funding has been provided to secure new beds for Western Care Lodge, the accommodation support for patients attending cancer services in Orange.

The Rotary Foundation provided a $9,000 grant, which combined with the funding from the Rotary Club of Mudgee and The Rotary Club of Mudgee Sunrise, resulted in a donation of $32,524.00 being donated to Cancer Care Western NSW. This donation allowed for the provision of 13  king single mattresses and bases, a queen size mattress and base and additional bedding supplies as required.
The Mudgee community has supplied continued support, from building the lodge, and ongoing donations and support. A room was named for the Community.
“This valuable support is amazing, given the issues regional NSW has worked through, including floods, drought and fires.  This is what country Australia is about. helping each other, working together, supporting each other” Jan Savage, Cancer Care Western Fundraising and Media Officer.
The enduring support and friendships are a vital support for our organisation.
Image: Jan Savage, CCW Fundraising & Media with staff from Harvey Norman Orange.